
Hi, my name is Zuzanna and I was born and raised Srem, Poland. I was a professional athlete for five years before I signed a modeling contract and dedicated the next 15 years to my international modeling career. As wonderful as my experience in the fashion industry was, I also struggled with eating disorders, extreme stress, anxiety and panic attacks and other mental health problems. At the age of 26 I committed to taking better care of myself and living a more balanced life, commencing a journey of self-discovery that involved exposure to many healing modalities, the most powerful being meditation, which is now a daily practice of mine.

Through the journey to balance and well-being I developed a special interest in holistic health and spirituality, becoming a certified aromatherapist in 2015 and then a meditation guide for NYC meditation studio Inscape in 2016. It was at this time that I published an online confessional about my struggles with eating disorders (see “Press” page) which opened a further chapter in my life as I became an advocate for change in the field of eating disorders in the fashion industry and a mentor to others in eating disorder recovery tools and mindful living.

Post the birth of my first child in 2017, I became a certified meditation and HypnoBirthing teacher. Soon after I began to host women’s circles, facilitate ceremonies and host retreats.

The purpose of my work is to uplift, educate, empower and inspire, to create beautiful experiences and environments as containers for change, growth and healing. I am delighted to share the powerful tools (that helped me) with others and look forward to meeting you on your journey in to your inner self.

All the very best, always,